EventLog Class and Machine Name (Connecting to remote machine eventlog). 您所在的位置:网站首页 class eventlog EventLog Class and Machine Name (Connecting to remote machine eventlog).

EventLog Class and Machine Name (Connecting to remote machine eventlog).

2023-03-11 17:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hi all,

I am trying to write to an EventLog on a remote machine and am getting an IOException stating "Network path not found". Now the computer name I am referencing can indeed be found and if I type a computer name such as "BLABLA" it takes forever to return however if I type in the computer name that is in my domain it returns almost instantly as if the computer is found but reports the above error. Also, I am able to connect to the remote computer's EventLog using my current credentials (I.E. not specifying a different user) through the Vista Event Viewer and "Connect to another machine" without any problem. Any ideas on why I am unable to connect to the same machine name but through the EventLog Class? Any help much appreciated. :)

Here is some of the code I am working with:

            if (!EventLog.Exists("Application", "REMOTEMACHINENAME")) //Exception here or any time I use an EventLog method that tries to reference the remote machine.               {                   EventSourceCreationData srcData = new EventSourceCreationData("Taicho", "TaichoLog");                   srcData.MachineName = "REMOTEMACHINENAME";                EventLog.CreateEventSource(srcData);               }               EventLog log = new EventLog("TaichoLog", "REMOTEMACHINENAME","Taicho");               log.WriteEntry("Taicho says hi from his computer", EventLogEntryType.Information); 






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